Sunday, September 24, 2017

Fare Thee Well Shifu

Before Summer, Rain and Alodia came about, a host of furry babies which number far outgrew their human housemates has been a constant source of fun and comfort. 
Leading the pack was a pug whose split personality was something to get used to. He has a penchant for biting and it opposed the nature of its kind of being sweet and affectionate. Being the "first born" somehow lent him that illusion of being different and may e more previleged than the others.
Change can be daunting especially when applied abruptly like not being let into the house anymore. It must have been so heartbreaking so as to cause maladies with deathly implications. And for it to come at a time whe everyone is still in mourning was a tad sad.
I will truly miss you our forever little boy and I am so sorry!
(Watch over me darling and I promise to raise Duke differently)

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