Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Starter- What could have been...

...had I fought my way out of sleep and relived last year's ride. The roads proved to be bike worthy from
1. the motorized (virtually nil) traffic friends complained on scarcity of buses
...missed the customary new year's day lunch at bff's due to the absence of trikes
...biked through the rain to the vesper service for the same reason
2. the spirit-dislodging crack of fireworks
...most neighbors went away for the holidays ( hope this happens every year... hehehe)
...effective anti- explosives campaign of the DOH
...people have finally came to their senses and thought against the waste

Then, for everything there is a reason or reasons.

Holiday is a time for family and  I had an interesting morninng with mom choosing to notice the clutter on the sink instead of the fact that breakfast was already on the table when she woke up and with Sum looking like the cat who drank the milk with both hands covered in milk powder, unrepentant. As for me, after dropping off the imp, that late lunch I took with a bottle of lager left me lethargic and out for more than two hours with Season 8 of TBBT playing on my PC.

Tonight, after the briefest  sermon from Philippians 3:12-16, I made a quick stop at a vulcanizing shop to have J's tire pressure checked. It was something I have been meaning to do before going on a long distance ride. This might have been subconsciously pulling me back from taking an unprepared venture. So tomorrow is the the day!

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