Tuesday, October 21, 2014


If "balaynon" means staying home at somebody else's place, then I am it. Despite the clouds foreboding of heavy rains, I still got on the earliest bus available after my Saturday class on my way to the big city from some pampering activity with Diana. The rain fell with pent up fury just a few seconds after I alit at Tangub. It was more than 15 minutes after I arrived when I finally spied Diana's car rounding the bend.

Our first stop was Salon Therapeutic for some painful hair removal process. The result was to my satisfaction and I plan to return for the same service a month from now. I might try some body scrub as well while at it.

Next stop was collecting Nic from Bel-air for his monthly shot to prevent rheumatic heart (which will continue until adulthood) as a result of his frequent tonsilitis since infancy. OPD at Riverside was so frigid. I stayed long enough to hold Nic's legs as the nurse administered the medicine.

As a treat, we went to Masskara (just behind the triangle) for dinner before I settled for the night at Casa Mait where I did the impossible. I alit at Munsterrific to pick up some toiletries and ice cream before deciding to walk through the darkened streets as PUJ were already scarce (it was already 9ish in the evening).

There were only Mimi (with her new phone) and Jedyl at home. Waiting to be sampled was suman which is a tad early for the All Saint's Day.

When Jocelyn came home from work, she came into the room and cried over the loss of Autumn which sale was her very own idea. She was aghast at the makeshift room that the new owners made for the pup outside of the main house. It was funny. She is adamant on pooling some amount to get Autumn back.

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